Programmatic SEO – Benefits And How To Use It?

Programmatic SEO

Programmatic SEO is an SEO strategy involving the use of automation and technology to build landing pages at a large scale, targeting low-competition keywords. The purpose is to create a large number of optimized web pages to rank high on SERP for relevant keywords. Effective implementation of programmatic SEO can help you create a large number of well-optimized landing and web pages and build domain authority. However, in your attempt to build well-optimized web pages, you can’t ignore the significance of quality content. Otherwise, you may end up creating spam pages, which can harm your SEO efforts. You can hire an SEO agency in Ontario to develop effective programmatic SEO strategies for your brand.

5 Benefits of Programmatic SEO

Programmatic SEO offers the following benefits. Let’s discuss further.

Easy to scale

If the web pages share similar designs, with the only difference being their content, it can be time-consuming to add content to every single page one at a time. Programmatic SEO, on the other hand, can ease the process. It allows you to create a large number of SEO-friendly pages based on data. You need to put efforts into gathering data to help programmatic SEO build a large number of pages for your website. Further, it will save you the time and resources needed to develop web pages on a large scale.

Improved user experience

Programmatic SEO also allows you to target long-tail keywords through your web pages. These pages also include clear call-to-actions, which further helps improve the conversion rate.

Improved search visibility

Developing a large number of SEO-friendly web pages helps improve a website’s chances of ranking high on SERPs for relevant keywords.

Involves less effort

Ideally, developers take a huge amount of time to build a large website. However, by preparing all the data, programmatic SEO helps develop thousands of pages within a short time.

Generate more leads

Web pages developed using programmatic SEO are effective in generating leads. The reason is that as more pages rank on SERP, more web traffic will be driven. Besides, as these pages target transactional or buyer keywords, they will likely drive traffic to those who are interested in buying from the brand. It will encourage them to interact with the website, click on CTAs, fill in forms, and even provide their email addresses for further updates. As a result, brands can further target these audiences through various marketing channels to improve sales and conversion.

How to implement Programmatic SEO effectively?

You can implement programmatic SEO in the following ways. Let’s discuss further.

Create a long list of keywords

The first step in planning an effective SEO strategy is performing extensive keyword research. Programmatic SEO can help perform this step on a large scale.

  • Identify broad categories keywords – Programmatic SEO helps identify broad categories keywords for which you want your website to rank. These keywords ideally have high search volume and are often used with modifiers or sub-categories.
  • Identify modifiers – Programmatic SEO can also help you identify modifiers that your users use alongside broad categories of keywords. You can use tools such as Google Trends to check the search volume of broad category keywords alone and when used with modifiers.

Perform a large-scale competitive analysis of search results

Once you have prepared the list of keywords for which you want your website to rank, it’s time to identify your competitors. In this regard, you will likely prefer analyzing the competitors ranking at the top of the SERP. These websites usually target most keywords. Further, you can check your targeted keywords (the ones you have identified in the previous step) to determine your top competitors. You can also search the domain of your competitors to check the number of keywords each of them has. It is also a better idea to analyze your competitors’ backlinks, the tools they use to create title tags, etc.

Building landing pages at a large scale

In addition to performing keyword research and competitive analysis, you can also use programmatic SEO to build large-scale landing pages.

Ideally, landing pages share similar elements, such as images, lists, price sheets, reviews, etc. Further, they will likely share the same design and layout. However, the content for each page will be different. It implies that every page will have different images, information, prices, etc. You can implement the following strategies to develop a large number of landing pages.

  • Community forums – You can use programmatic SEO for community forums. These forums naturally generate a huge volume of unique content in the form of answers to different questions. It can further be made into landing pages. As a result, when someone asks a question, these forums will likely appear in the top search results. You can consider websites such as Reddit, Quora, etc., as examples.
  • Two-sided marketplace – Another effective way to implement programmatic SEO is for two-sided marketplaces. Vendors can add pages with unique content such as images, listings, product descriptions, Q&A, etc. Customers can also leave their reviews and feedback on each page, which can help generate unique content for each page. You can consider examples, such as Yelp, Expedia, etc., and check how they are implementing programmatic SEO.
  • E-Commerce – In an E-Commerce website, many product pages can have similar general information. However, you can also add unique product information for each page. These include product specifications, benefits, prices, etc. Besides, the review section can also help make each page unique.

Create pages based on search intent

Creating pages based on search intent can help drive relevant web traffic, generate quality leads, and improve conversions. Search engines use algorithms and data to determine the search intent of users. You can also research to determine search intent for various keywords. In this regard, you can search keywords and check the search results to understand the search intent behind those keywords. Accordingly, you can create pages that match the search intent by using programmatic SEO.


As a brand, you need to implement various link-building strategies to determine what works best for you. Additionally, you can implement the following strategies to earn backlinks:

  • Ego-baiting – Some websites often implement ego-baiting strategies to earn backlinks. For instance, some websites may offer an embed code of visual rewards, such as a badge, star, etc., to brands. It can encourage brands to display them on their website. It is an effective way to grow your backlink profile. You can consider websites such as Yelp, Trip advisor, etc., as examples
  • Quality and valuable content – Publishing quality, relevant, and useful content on your website can help you earn backlinks from authority websites.
  • Infographics – Publishing infographics, data, and statistics on your website can also help build brand authority and earn backlinks from reputed websites. You can consider Statista as an example.

Therefore, when used effectively, programmatic SEO can help build landing and web pages on a large scale, which can further help improve search rankings, web traffic, leads, and conversion. HireH Consulting offers SEO services in Ontario. You can consult their SEO experts to build effective SEO strategies for your website.
